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Recording The Guide Tracks

Today I'm recording the guide tracks for Vows of a Cynic, Babylon Seamstress, Flood Plain and Basilisk. Alongside my friends Dave Cutteridge (Guitar) and Joel Webb (Drums), I've booked out a rehearsal space and brought in my own Scarlett 18i20 to track to ProTools.

Because I have a fairly limited input channel count, I'm using the Glyn Johns method for recording drums with an Audix D6 for the bass drum, and a pair of C414's for the overhead and side mic. Below is a diagram showing the typical placement for the Glyn Johns technique.

(Pickford, 2018)

I also set up a clean and dirty DI for Dave's guitar so I could potentially keep anything I liked from the performance and re-amp it. My acoustic was also simply plugged into a DI. I positioned an SM7B with a FetHead line preamp away from the drum kit as my vocal mic, however it still has some bleed from the drums which may disrupt the performance of the drummer when it comes to recording them in the studio on the 3rd of April.

The roughly edited and mixed demo tracks can be heard below: